Person Sitting by Pool

Best Temperature For Pools

There is quite nothing as comfortable and charming as a heated swimming pool! Still, you might wonder what’s the best temperature to stick to. Most people tend to gravitate between 26°C and 28°C degrees. This is a pleasant yet comfortable range. The temperature is not hot enough to scold you or be too difficult for bathers to set it, but at the same time, it is slightly above lukewarm, making for a very balanced experience for all bathers and swimmers in the pool. 

Some prefer to go over 28°C degrees, but that’s more of the temperature you’d expect from a leisure bath or spa. Swimming pools are usually more conducive to swimming, relaxation, or other fun activities, so excessive heat might not be the best way to go. 

What happens if I go too hot?

When your swimming pool heats to above the 29°C mark for an extended time period, bacteria and algae tend to thrive, and develop at faster rates. Keeping your pool below this temperature won’t get rid of algae and bacteria completely, but will make it more difficult for them to develop and become a problem.

What is the best way to heat my pool?

An inverter pool heat pump is one of the best ways to regulate the water temperature in your swimming pool. It is an energy-conscious solution that can easily adjust to the energy needs of your pool through its operating compressor and fans. These devices ensure that your pool uses as much power as needed to stay within a specific temperature range, so you won’t overdo it and waste energy.

Canterbury Pool Heating has Inverter Pool Heat Pumps in a range of sizes to ensure your heating solution is matched perfectly to your swimming pool, giving you the perfect temperature at the lowest cost.

In conclusion, there is no set rule regarding heating your swimming pool. It’s ultimately a matter of personal preference and lifestyle. You can experiment with different values to find your go-to temperature setting!